Day: October 6, 2017

06th Oct 2017

How to deal with pre-surgery anxiety

Plastic surgery is a life-changing decision. Different plastic surgery procedures can help patients to reach their goal. Although patients decide whether to push through or not, it is common and normal to feel anxiety before surgery. The anxiety or fear...

06th Oct 2017

The worst thing that can happen after plastic surgery

Plastic surgery can be a good option if you want to correct deformations in the body, whether birth acquired or not. At the same time, plastic surgery can also damage many things about our appearance. It’s very important for those...


Butt size after butt implant surgery

To achieve larger buttocks, you can go for a buttock augmentation surgery. The buttocks can be augmented by using either your own fat or an implant that would be inserted into the buttocks. The use of fat is great for...

06th Oct 2017

The difference between symmastia and breast asymmetry

Breast augmentation with implants can effectively enhance your breast size and shape. However, there are a number of complications associated with the surgery, with breast asymmetry and symmastia being the two most common. Symmastia is a condition marked by a...





