Lumps and swelling after tumescent liposuction

Lumps and swelling after tumescent liposuction

11th Sep 2017

Liposuction is a procedure that involves the removal of excess fat cells. This is done in areas where fat is really stubborn and difficult to remove. Liposuction uses a cannula and inserts it into the fat layer, thereby enabling the surgeon to suck out the fat from the body. This is a painful procedure, which is why general anesthesia is normally administered.

In other types of liposuction such as the tumescent liposuction, there is no need to go under a general anesthesia because a local anesthesia is enough.. The lidocaine is mixed with the fluid that is injected into the subcutaneous fat. When this happens, the area becomes swollen and firm. This is why it is called tumescent – meaning swollen and firm. Through the tumescent technique, local anesthesia is administered and capillaries are constricted to prevent blood loss. The fat, along with most of the fluid will be sucked out with this liposuction technique.

In any type of liposuction, it is common to observe lumpiness or firmness in the area affected. During the procedure, the cannula passes through the subcutaneous tissue and it disrupts the lymphatic channels and causes cellular injury. The normal reaction of the body to any injury is to swell. The swelling is brought about by the accumulation of fluids in the areas where the cannula passed through. Due to the damage of the lymphatic channels, it can be more difficult for the body to remove the fluid.

Swelling and lumps are visible after the surgery and can remain visible for a few weeks. Some may even observe the lumps and swelling for up to 4 months post surgery. This is because, for some, their body heals slower.

Surgeons will usually recommend their patients to wear compression garments for about a month after the surgery. The compression garments help lessen the degree of swelling. Patients are also advised to walk or move around after the surgery to ensure that there is proper circulation of the blood.

There are also massages that can be done to decrease the firmness and swelling. The lymphatic massage can lead the excess fluid in the body towards the lymph nodes where it can be reabsorbed. There are those who offer this kind of massage or teach you how to do it properly.

It is also possible to see some lumps or uneven areas after the liposuction. This is a normal reaction of the body and it will eventually even out or disappear as the body heals. Focusing your massage on these areas can be beneficial in order to get a smoother and more even result.

Although the swelling and lumps are to be expected, it is still best to let your surgeons know about any concerns that you may have. Since the surgeon performed the procedure, they are the ones who can correctly diagnose and tell you what is happening to your body.

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