Tag: butt implant surgery

13th Aug 2021

What not to do after butt implant surgery

For people interested in getting bigger, rounder, perkier buttocks, there is no other solution aside from plastic surgery. Nowadays there are different methods available that target the improvement of the buttocks. We have butt lift surgery, butt reduction surgery, and...

11th Aug 2021

The pros of butt implants compared to fat transfer

The modern development of plastic surgery now ensures more than one method that can be used for butt augmentation. Nowadays, plastic surgeons can do fat transfer or insert gluteal implants to create larger, more alluring buttocks. However, different patients will...

09th Aug 2021

What to tell your surgeon before butt augmentation

The first step towards getting the buttocks of your dreams is a consultation with the plastic surgeon. During this initial meeting, he will evaluate whether you are a good candidate and see if there are any contraindications to the procedure....

30th Jul 2021

Which is the safest method to get bigger buttocks?

When it comes to butt enhancement procedures, developments in the field in the last decade have been incredible. There are procedures that specialists have tried to develop for many decades that are finally possible to be performed. Also, the results...

29th Jul 2021

What is the fastest method to get a bigger butt?

The fastest method to get a bigger butt would be probably to have someone with a magic wand make a wish so your butt will grow. The next fastest method is using plastic surgery! Jokes aside, it is important to...


Facts and myths about buttock augmentation surgery

Introduction Buttock augmentation surgery is the only efficient solution for patients with small, flat or mildly saggy buttocks. The procedure is performed with the patient under general anesthesia and can take a few hours to be completed. It is important...

08th Apr 2017

Infection after butt implants surgery

Introduction For some people, lifelong happiness and satisfaction can be found in correcting certain physical inadequacies. Several women want to have bigger breasts while others would like to make their wrinkles disappear. There are also women who desire fuller, rounder...





