Who benefits more from the breast lift?

Who benefits more from the breast lift?

08th Oct 2021

The breast lift often delivers spectacular results for women with saggy breasts. There are different categories of patients who can benefit from the procedure, such as women who have undergone multiple pregnancies, severe weight loss, and women whose breasts have been negatively affected by the passing of time.

The process of getting perkier breasts will start with a consultation with the plastic surgeon. During this consultation, you will be asked to discuss about your goals and expectations from the surgery, the reasons for resorting to plastic surgery, and also your medical history, current medication, and potential allergies. The plastic surgeon will also perform a medical examination on the patient to determine the condition of the breast tissues and also whether there are any visible and palpable contraindications to the procedure. 

The procedure can be performed on women of all ages and with different volumes of the breasts. In many cases when it comes to breasts with a large volume, breast ptosis affects the patient sooner in life than when compared to patients with small breasts. Also, if mastopexy is performed as a stand-alone procedure, there is a risk for the breast ptosis to start affecting the breasts again even after the procedure due to the pressure put by the volume of the breasts on the ligaments and skin envelope. This is the reason why in some cases, the plastic surgeon will recommend combining the breast lift with breast reduction. 

There is a clear difference between the two procedures. Despite what some patients think, they are not similar. The breast lift will re-center the mammary gland and eliminate the excess skin from the breasts, while breast reduction surgery will eliminate the excess skin but also the excess mammary gland, hence reducing the volume of the breasts and making them more proportionate to the rest of the body. 

An experienced plastic surgeon will probably mention that the best results are often achieved on patients with small and extremely saggy breasts. These are patients who have lost the volume of the breasts, often after weight loss or multiple pregnancies. After undergoing a breast lift, patients with small breasts will get perky and youthful-looking breasts. However, the volume of the breasts will not increase or decrease significantly. This is why patients who also want to get an increase in the size of the breasts should consider getting implants. 

The benefit is that when getting a lift and added volume to the breasts, the patient only has to go through one recovery period and not two. Also, the cost of the combined procedures is less than two separate procedures. So, while all patients will benefit from undergoing a breast lift, patients with overly small breasts who will get a mastopexy with implants will benefit more from the procedure.

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