In the previous videos, we discussed capsular contracture and the fact that the cause of this problem is currently unknown. On the conservative side, one out of ten patients will develop capsular contracture in the first three to five years. If you develop a capsular contracture, you may blame the surgeon and feel bad, even though all the risks were described to you before surgery. So, what can we do if you develop a capsular contracture? Technically, as shown in my videos, there are a lot of things we can do to prevent it, but in the best hands, one out of 10 patients will develop this complication. For this reason, I like to use Mentor breast implants.
Mentor has a good track record of providing high-quality medical devices, and their breast implants are phenomenal. They provide good shape, and they have different options for different patients’ anatomy and desires. One thing that I really like about the Mentor breast implants is that they provide very comprehensive warranty options for capsule contracture. If you look at the table on the third row, they provide a replacement policy covering capsular contracture of grades 3 and 4 for the first three years. I believe this is phenomenal because most capsular contractures will occur in the first three years. You are automatically enrolled in this program if you use Mentor implants, and if you develop a capsular contracture in the first three years, they will cover the implant.
Now, they also have a Mentor enhanced warranty, which I definitely recommend to all my patients. In this enhanced program they will replace the implant for free, provide up to $3,500 for the cost of surgery, and extend the warranty for capsule contracture for 10 years. I do not think it can get any better than this. You will have peace of mind that you are covered for a capsular contracture, in the event that you are the one out of ten patients who develops this problem within the first three years. In addition, remember that if you have silicone breast implants, the longer you have the implants, the greater your chance of having this problem after three years. My recommendation to all my patients is to enroll in the extended warranty for an additional $200, which will cover you for up to 10 years.