Category: Hourglass News Channel New

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23 April

Know The Secrets of Youthful Looking Breasts

Breasts are affected by the passing of time just like any other part of the body. Sooner or later many women are confronted with sagging breasts. The market is flooded...

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23 April

How to Evaluate Before and After Pictures of Breast Augmentation?

We often see before and after pictures of breast augmentation interventions on forums, sites and even social media channels. Most plastic surgeons display their work on their sites or in...

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19 January

Types of Breast Implants

Today, there are plenty of options available when it comes to breast implants. And it is this fact that can make the decision difficult for a woman looking to undergo...

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16 January

2 Things You Should Know About Breast Reduction

Breast reduction procedure is commonly performed nowadays as it can improve functionality and also the aesthetic appearance of the patient because overly large breasts can be quite a burden even...

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18 December

Are Butt Implants Different from Breast Implants?

Everyone is aware that the breast implants surgery has been performed for longer than butt implants and this is probably one of the reasons why some people tend to believe...

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12 December

Do I really need a plastic surgeon to perform my procedure?

Maybe you have heard that your gynecologist performs liposuction and even tummy tuck. You know him for years and you trust his skills. So, the question arises. Do I really...

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03 December

Do I Need A Breast Lift Or Not?

When confronted with imperfections of the breasts. It might be difficult for some women to decide beforehand what plastic surgery procedure they need to correct the issue. In most cases...

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29 November

Health Benefits of Liposuction

It is evident that fat deposits localize in different areas of the body can alter the aesthetic appearance of the body. With the help of liposuction, we can eliminate these...





