Category: Breast Lift posts

26th Mar 2020

Will there be significant scarring after breast lift surgery?

  Before undergoing many types of plastic surgery procedures, patients are concerned about the scarring. Considering the fact that the scars are permanent and even if they will fade in time they will never disappear, it is a normal concern...

18th Mar 2020

The aspect of the breasts after the breast lift surgeryâ 

The aspect of the breasts after the breast lift surgery    Many women with breast ptosis come to the plastic surgeon’s office to get breast implants to correct the aspect of their breasts only to find out during the preoperative...

12th Mar 2020

Scheduling the breast lift after weight loss

  Weight gain is not only a matter of the aesthetics of the body, but also health and functionality. People who are severely overweight or obese struggle to fulfill day to day activities that are pretty easy and straightforward for...

05th Mar 2020

Mastopexy: a procedure to correct breast ptosis

  When thinking about plastic surgery on the breasts, many people think about breast implant surgery, and there is a reason behind this. Breast augmentation with implants allows millions of women all over the world to get the breasts of...

24th Feb 2020

Natural methods to lift the breasts on the chest wall

  It can be very frustrating for women to notice how their breasts are going downhill, sometimes even starting from an early age. Breast sagginess is not only aesthetically unpleasing, but it can also trigger real emotional complexes for the...

10th Feb 2020

Is there an ideal age to undergo a breast lift?

  The breast lift, known in medical terms as mastopexy, is used to correct the position of the breasts on the chest wall by re-centering the mammary gland and eliminating the excess skin present on the breasts. Breast ptosis can...

04th Feb 2020

Is it better to get implants with the breast lift?

  After one or multiple pregnancies, significant weight loss, or the natural aging process, women can find themselves confronted with the unpleasant phenomenon of breast sagginess. Breast ptosis has different levels and is characterized by a low position of the...

27th Jan 2020

Breast lift and stretch marks on the breasts

  Stretch marks on the breasts are often associated with pregnancy because new mothers are usually confronted with this unpleasant phenomenon that occurs as a result of the overstretching of the skin. However, stretch marks can occur not only in...





