Tummy Tuck Houston
People always ask me about the difference between a traditional tummy tuck and the hourglass tummy tuck. Many patients ask why the hourglass tummy tuck is a little bit more expensive than tummy tucks (TT) performed by other surgeons, among other things. The hourglass tummy tuck in houston is a unique technique. A TT by itself gives you a flat abdomen with a square shape; that is the main difference. Why would anybody undergo a procedure like a tummy tuck to have a flat abdomen, but not the sexy silhouette that defines the female figure? In this video, I am going to show you sequential pictures of my hourglass TT patients. You will see the patient after a typical traditional abdominoplasty and then all the way to having an hourglass shape after the hourglass tummy tuck. The hourglass tummy tuck’s main objective is to recreate the anterior profile with an hourglass shape while producing a flat abdomen.
First, let me describe the hourglass tummy tuck Houston. It involves the same techniques used for the traditional tummy tuck, such as tightening of the muscles, removing excess skin and fat below the belly button, and closure. However, the traditional tummy tuck does not include liposuction. The hourglass tummy tuck adds liposuction of the back and flanks to define the waist and also fat transfer to the hips. Also, fat transfer to the hips is to perform.
Anybody can give you a flat abdomen—you just have to look around—but not everybody can give you the hourglass shape with the hourglass tummy tuck that I have developed. Understanding the difference between the tummy tuck and the hourglass tummy tuck is very important when you choose a surgeon. Everybody else is doing the traditional Spongebob tummy tuck. If you want to have an hourglass shape with a better-defined body, the hourglass tummy tuck is the technique for you.
Men’s Reasons for Getting a Tummy Tuck Houston
Yes, most of the men become interested in getting a Houston tummy tuck because they want to look better, but some also realize how having a fatty stomach impact their health.
So here are a few ways in which abdominal fat affects your health and even your lifestyle:
- The elimination of abdominal fat can improve your sex life. Yes, it is accurate to say this as researchers have discovered that obese men have ten times more potential sexual issues than men with a normal weight. These sexual issues may be psychological since it interferes with self-esteem and causes discomfort during sexual intercourse. But it can also be physiological, where it causes erectile dysfunctions. Thus, some men opt for losing weight through dieting and exercises and then getting a tummy tuck to perfect the appearance of their abdomen, so that they can get back their libido and sexual function.
- Abdominal fat (Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty houston) causes an increase in the production of estrogen, which are female hormones, and a decrease in the testosterone levels. This of course does not mean you are less of a man, but obesity is almost always associated with a decrease in the testosterone levels, the hormone that determines the sexual characters such as hair, the increased muscular mass, low tone of voice, etc. A decrease in testosterone levels negatively affects sexual appetite. Aside from these unwanted side effects, low testosterone levels can also mean a decrease in the level of energy and motivation, and can even cause depression.
- People with large adipose deposits in the abdominal area favor a sedentary lifestyle because the physical effort is intolerable. This is because the increase in adipose tissue on the abdomen causes problems for the heart and lungs to send enough oxygen to the tissues. While it might be possible to have enough muscle mass and resistance to exert physical effort even if you are overweight, the majority of obese men don’t fall into this category. In this case, it is extremely important to gradually resume physical activity and eventually, the extra kilograms might shed off too.
- The loss of the abdominal fat will help ameliorate articular and back pains. Obesity and the lack of physical exercise can determine or worsen the back or joint pains. Imagine a weight that you are carrying on your back all day long, no matter what you do. It will make you tired and will cause chronic shoulder, back, and knee pains. By losing the extra weight, you get rid of the pain.
- Losing weight in the abdominal area can prevent the occurrence of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Even if you are healthy now, the abdominal fat increases the risk of dying from a stroke. Unfortunately, men who gain weight in the abdomen area frequently show atheroma deposits on the artery walls that lead to them becoming narrower, inflamed, and resistant to insulin. Losing weight, increasing physical activities, quitting smoking, and following a balanced diet will reduce the risks to develop cardiac issues.
The tummy tuck for men is not a weight loss method, but what it can do is reshape the contour of the abdomen giving you a better profile and an improved appearance from both the front and the side. It is important to note that even if weight loss occurs, your abdominal area might never be the same as your original appearance before you gained weight.
Abdominal fat is usually associated with visceral fat that is deposited around the internal organs. While plastic surgery can’t help you lose weight and eliminate visceral fat, when combining weight loss procedures with plastic surgery (i.e. liposuction and tummy tuck) the results can be impressive and have a positive impact on a man’s life.
This surgical intervention is quite common among men who lost weight and want to redefine that aspect of their bodies for both aesthetic and health reasons. Looking after the appearance of your body is no longer just a woman’s job. Men are just as motivated to take care of themselves and look their best since our appearance influences our relationship, our lifestyle, and even our work performances. Overall, a renewed look for your abdomen will bring out a better you, both in terms of health and appearance.
The tummy tuck in houston for men is not a weight-loss method, but what it can do is reshape the contour of the abdomen giving you a better profile and an improved appearance from both the front and the side. It is important to note that even if weight loss occurs, your abdominal area might never be the same as your original appearance before you gained weight.
Abdominal fat is usually associated with visceral fat that is deposited around the internal organs. While plastic surgery can’t help you lose weight and eliminate visceral fat, when combining weight loss procedures with plastic surgery (i.e. liposuction and tummy tuck) the results can be impressive and have a positive impact on a man’s life.
This surgical intervention is quite common among men who lost weight and want to redefine that aspect of their bodies for both aesthetic and health reasons. Looking after the appearance of your body is no longer just a woman’s job. Men are just as motivated to take care of themselves and look their best since our appearance influences our relationship, our lifestyle, and even our work performances. Overall, a renewed look for your abdomen will bring out a better you, both in terms of health and appearance.
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