Preoperative tests before breast augmentation surgery

Preoperative tests before breast augmentation surgery

20th Jul 2017

A breast augmentation surgery is a major surgery for healthy people. In order to ensure that a patient is healthy enough, surgeons may ask for preoperative tests. These tests help the surgeons make a proper assessment about their patient’s real health condition.

Different surgeons require different tests for their patients. Although it would be less hassle for patients not to undergo any tests, it is best that patients select surgeons who require such preoperative tests. This is to ensure that the patient qualifies for the surgery and that he or she can make a complete recovery.

The type of tests that are done on patients will also depend on the type of surgery they are undergoing. The age and the current health condition of the patient also determine what kinds of tests a patient has to go through before they can be cleared for surgery. Generally, younger people are healthier than older people – that is why older patients may require more tests.

Some surgeons don’t really require their patients to undergo tests. They can just do a physical assessment and take their blood pressure to make sure they are healthy. This is especially true for young adults who want to undergo a cosmetic surgery. In some cases, blood tests may also be required.

One of the most common tests that patients are required to undergo before their surgery is a complete blood count. This is a test which counts the different cells that make up the blood. In this test, the red blood cell, white blood cell and platelet count is determined. It is possible to see if a patient has a blood clotting disorder or any other blood disorder. This is very important because blood loss during surgery can occur and if the bleeding is uncontrolled, it can lead to fatal consequences.

Along with the complete blood count, surgeons can also ask for a blood chemistry test. This kind of test will determine levels of certain chemicals in the blood such as glucose, potassium, sodium, and many others. Abnormal levels are present when a patient has a disease or medical condition.

An ECG or electrocardiogram is another test that surgeons can require, especially if the patient is forty years old or older. This test determines if there are any irregularities when it comes to the beating of the heart. Surgeons need to know if the patient’s heart is strong enough to withstand the stress of the surgery.

Aside from the aforementioned tests, there are also other tests that can help determine the health of the patient. Pregnancy tests, a urinalysis, a mammogram or a chest x-ray can all help clear a patient for surgery. All these tests are very useful in making sure that a patient is healthy enough for the procedure. Although it may seem a lot, it is better to discover if there are problems before the surgery.


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