One of the common questions I get to hear is, “When can I resume work, exercise, and other physical activities after butt augmentation?”
While it is completely natural after surgery to feel the urge to get out of bed and resume routine activities to get a semblance of normalcy, it just can’t happen. You need time to rest and you need to avoid strenuous and physically demanding activities for at least 3-5 weeks after the butt implants surgery and 2-3 weeks after the Brazilian butt lift.
The exact time to resume your routine activities depends on a number of factors, one of which is how well and how fast your incisions heal. Each patient heals differently. What is important is that a little progress each day adds ups to best results in the end. During the crucial time of recovery, patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities like running, weight lifting, vigorous workouts, stretching, and bending for the first three weeks at least. Barring any complications and with your surgeon’s green light, you may resume work two weeks after the intervention.
Please note that undue and unnecessary pressure on the buttocks may trigger a host of complications and affect outcomes. If you resume exercise or sports two weeks after the procedure, the fat injected in your buttocks can become compromised. If you got butt implants, the incisions may open up, resulting in excessive bleeding. It is therefore important, to strictly follow your plastic surgeon’s post-op instructions.
From the fifth week onward, you may resume controlled exercises but go slow and easy. You may start cycling with a soft bicycle seat. You can start jogging, albeit at a slower pace. Do not expose your surgical incisions to direct sunlight, as it may trigger the development of unsightly scars and cause hyperpigmentation.
By week 6, you can fully resume your normal physical activities and be able to fully enjoy and appreciate the aesthetic benefits of your buttock augmentation surgery.