Liposuction complications

09th Nov 2018

I have performed liposuction on thousands of patients since I started my plastic surgery career. The procedure is used to contour the localized areas of the body by removing the stubborn fat pockets that make you look aesthetically unwelcoming. Many patients come to me with the notion that liposuction is a simple procedure that is free of complications. Many people also assume that liposuction is a non-invasive cosmetic method like putting makeup on. The fact is different from what many people believe.
From my experience, I can say that even though liposuction is a relatively safer procedure, it is not entirely free of risks and complications. The procedure is invasive and certain complications can happen after the surgery. To make you understand the complications, let me first explain the operation to you.
I usually perform liposuction under IV sedation with local anesthesia or general anesthesia. After the board-certified anesthesiologist administers you the anesthesia, I will start the surgery by placing tiny incisions on the target areas like the abdomen, sides, love handles, or any other body area that requires contouring. In the next step, I will introduce a tumescent solution in the target area and then enter the liposuction cannula inside the target region.
I will then move the cannula back and forth to dislodge the fat cells, after which the fat will be removed with a suction pump. Lastly, I will suture and close the incision and repeat the same process on other areas where fat pockets exist.
Since the surgery is performed under anesthesia, there is a risk you may experience anesthesia reactions in case you are allergic to the anesthesia. Secondly, I have seen that many patients are also exposed to possible infections after the surgery. If you have a weak immune system, you will be vulnerable to the infections. I usually prescribe antibiotics to patients with a weak immune system during the recovery.
There is also a possibility that you may have irregular contours on the body areas treated via liposuction or your body may appear asymmetrical. To prevent this complication, I perform the surgery very carefully and use my sense of aesthetics and artistry to shape the specific body areas so that your body appears balanced.
Other minor complications that may happen after the surgery include wound dehiscence, seroma, hematoma, bleeding, and blood clotting. After the surgery, I will give you advice on how to prevent these complications.

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