One year after breast augmentation surgery

One year after breast augmentation surgery

05th May 2019

One year after breast augmentation surgery


Some people tend to believe that the relationship with the plastic surgeon is a very short one and it starts with jumping on the operating table and ends when the procedure is over. But in reality, things couldn’t be more different.

Before anything else, the relationship with the plastic surgeon should start with a pre-operative consultation that can be scheduled months before the actual procedure. During this consultation, the patient will go through a thorough medical examination and also a discussion about the goals and expectations and medical history, among other things. It is also when the patient will find out that the recommendation is to schedule follow-up consultations with the plastic surgeon for the first year following the procedure. The consultations are scheduled during the first-week post-op, then the first month, after three months, six months and one year.

If you were wondering how things will be one year after undergoing breast augmentation surgery, these are some results that can be expected:


–    The side effects have completely disappeared

In the first few weeks and months after breast augmentation surgery, the breasts will be affected by the normal side effects of the surgery such as bruising and swelling. Moreover, immediately after the surgery, the breasts will also be high on the chest wall, giving the patient the appearance of a bodybuilder. This is also normal, and the plastic surgeon will advise you to wear a belt over the breasts to help them descent sooner in their normal anatomical position. But all these things mean that the final results of breast augmentation will take a while to transpire. A year after the procedure, all side effects should have disappeared and the results of the surgery are final.

–    The incisions have healed

The cicatrization process after breast augmentation surgery can take up to one year. This means that until this period has passed, the incisions will go through different phases, sometimes looking worse than in the first days after the procedure. This is not uncommon and nothing to worry about. However, the plastic surgeon will make you aware of the signs of abnormal scarring and what treatments are available for it. One year after breast augmentation surgery, your scars should look like fine white lines, similar in color to the surrounding tissues.

–    The breasts are fuller, rounder and in the right anatomical position on the chest wall

A year after breast augmentation surgery, you can evaluate the final results. If your procedure was successful after the first year has passed, you should have breasts that are bigger, fuller, rounder, and in the correct anatomical position on the chest wall without sagginess.

Even if your breasts are just like you wanted them—perky, big and full—make sure to wear a supportive sports bra when performing physical exercises and a bra that fits you well.


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