Revision surgery for butt implants

Revision surgery for butt implants

01st May 2018


Buttock implant surgery is an effective procedure to address aesthetic problems like smaller and/or flatter buttocks. However, like all other surgeries, there are risks and complications associated with it. In most cases, the results achieved via buttock implants are permanent, but when complications like infections and implant shifting occur, revision surgery becomes necessary.

The common problem experienced after the buttock implant surgery is slow or poor healing of the incisions. According to a study, about 30 percent of patients who undergo butt implant surgery will go through some form of incision opening. Mild incision split-ups will heal naturally; however, when the problem is severe or if an infection attack has occurred, the patient will have to undergo a revision surgery.


What are the determining factors?

In addition to the factors mentioned above, there are other post-surgical issues that may necessitate a revision surgery after buttock implant surgery. These include: capsular contracture, implant rippling, and collection of excessive fluid or blood at the surgical area. Another common factor that often necessitates revision surgery is general dissatisfaction of the patient with the results of the original procedure. There is also a possibility that the tissue in your butt may become thinner, negatively affecting the results.

Problems with the placement of the buttock implant or surgical error can also make it necessary to undergo a revision surgery. This may occur even years after the original procedure, such as when the patient thinks that her butt is not appearing natural years after the surgery. Implant rippling may also occur because of the placement of the implants above the gluteal muscle. In this case, the implant will be removed and placed under or within the gluteal muscle during a revision surgery.

Butt implant revision surgery can effectively address the problems mentioned above. However, you should choose a highly qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon to perform the revision surgery if you want to achieve reliable and safe outcomes. Butt implant revision surgery demands specialized skills and sophisticated techniques that only a highly-experienced plastic surgeon possesses.


Revision may be necessary, even with the best plastic surgeon

While most cases that make revision surgery necessary involve an inexperienced doctor, you may require revision surgery even if your surgery has been conducted by the best plastic surgeon. Capsular contracture may occur irrespective of who performed your butt implant surgery. The condition involves contracture of the scar, which can squeeze the butt implant and trigger physical pain. In this case, the scar tissue will be removed and the butt implants removed/replaced during a revision surgery.


What occurs during a revision surgery?

What will occur during the butt implant revision surgery depends on the reason you’re undergoing the procedure. If you are undergoing the procedure due to infection of the implants, you can expect the affected implant to be removed. During the revision surgery, your plastic surgeon will use the original incision to take out the butt implant. The infection will then be treated, and you won’t get a new implant until and unless your doctor is sure that the infection has been fully treated. Butt implant removal and replacement becomes necessary when the infection is severe and has affected one or both implants. Mild to moderate infections can be treated with oral or IV antibiotics.

If the butt implants have shifted or moved after the original surgery, the plastic surgeon will use the original incision to access the implants and reposition them to the intended location. Depending on the problem and to prevent recurring implant movement, the placement of the implant may also be changed during the revision surgery. For example, if the implant is placed above the gluteal muscle, your surgeon may place it within the gluteal muscle during the revision surgery.

Further, revision surgery to treat capsular contracture in the butt will involve excision of the capsule surrounding the butt implants. If the implants have already been affected by capsular contracture, the original incisions will be used to remove the implants. A capsular contracture makes a revision surgery necessary because it is also accompanied by physical pain and discomfort, in addition to the change in shape of the butt. The patient may opt to go for new implants in future.

Moreover, if you are experiencing implant rippling (a condition whereby the implant becomes visible on the edges of the butt), your plastic surgeon will use the original incision to remove the implants and place them in a different pocket. For example, if the implants were placed above the butt muscle, your surgeon may place them below or within the butt muscle in order for rippling to be prevented.

The most common problem that makes many patients seek butt implant revision surgery is general dissatisfaction of the patient with the results of the original surgery. What the revision surgery will involve in this case depends on the nature of your dissatisfaction. For example, if you think that your butt appears too large or the shape is not good, the revision surgery will involve the removal and replacement of the butt implants. The old implants will be replaced either with smaller or differently shaped implants during the revision surgery.



Butt implant surgery normally delivers reliable, effective, and permanent results. However, the procedure entails risks and complications that can occur even years after the original procedure. In some cases, the complications can be severe, necessitating a revision surgery.

Most cases of revision surgery are necessitated due to surgical errors by the doctor, so you should be sure to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your original procedure. However, revision surgery may be necessary in some cases, irrespective of who is your surgeon. You should make sure to select a reliable plastic surgeon for the revision surgery because it requires very sophisticated skills and techniques.



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