Swollen Breast After Breast Reduction

18th Oct 2018

Bigger breasts are not always beautiful. Having overly large breasts that do not accentuate and complement your overall body profile can be a source of emotional distress for many people. As such, they seek breast reduction surgery, which is an effective way to reduce the size of the breasts.
Like all other surgeries, breast reduction involves incisions. During the surgery, the excess fat and even a portion of the glandular tissue and skin are removed from the breasts. This means the breasts will experience intense surgical trauma.
One of the common and normal side effects of breast reduction surgery is a swollen breast. After the intervention, the surgical site will be inflamed and swollen, especially the incision site and the areas from which tissue was surgically removed.
Many patients are scared of swelling. The fact is that swelling after breast reduction, and any other surgery is absolutely normal and an indication that your body’s natural healing process is working to overcome the surgical trauma and bring you to recovery as soon as possible. It simply means your body is healing.
The recovery period of breast reduction is about two weeks. During this time, 30 to 40 percent of the swelling will subside. However, it would take a few months for the swelling in your breasts to completely disappear. You can expect a 70 percent decrease in swelling within 6-8 weeks after the surgery.
However, there are ways to reduce the swelling. After the procedure, your plastic surgeon may advise you wear compression garments. These garments would speed up the healing process and help reduce the post-operative swelling. Applying ice packs to the breasts can also help decrease the tenderness and swelling; however, you must do it with your doctor’s approval.
During the recovery period, try to sit upright most of the time. This position entails a minimum risk of fluid accumulation in the breasts. It will help prevent abnormal swelling.
In case the swelling increases and expands beyond the surgery area, be sure to contact your surgeon. This could be an indication of an infection. You may need antibiotics to overcome the infection.
In order to heal quickly and overcome the swelling, be sure to stick to a healthy diet, take care of the surgical wound, and follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions.

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