The pros of butt implants compared to fat transfer

The pros of butt implants compared to fat transfer

11th Aug 2021

The modern development of plastic surgery now ensures more than one method that can be used for butt augmentation. Nowadays, plastic surgeons can do fat transfer or insert gluteal implants to create larger, more alluring buttocks. However, different patients will require different procedures. In some cases, it can even be recommended to undergo combined procedures, getting both implants and fat grafted to the buttocks to achieve aesthetic goals.

Each procedure has pros and cons, and not all patients are eligible for fat transfer. Among the pros of butt implants when compared to fat transfer are:

–    A more considerable augmentation

When it comes to increasing the size of the buttocks with implants, things are very simple. The implant has a certain volume, and once inserted it will make the buttocks bigger with that exact amount. When it comes to fat transfer, we can just estimate the amount of fat that can be injected during the procedure, but we won’t know until the moment of injection how much fat we actually have available. Also, when it comes to implants, the size can be chosen depending on the aesthetic goals of the patient. In the case of fat transfer, there are limitations. We can only extract a certain amount of fat with liposuction for transfer, and also there is a certain amount of fat that will be lost during the purification process. Moreover, up to 30% or more of the fat injected will be reabsorbed by the body in the first few months following the procedure. Butt implants deliver a more considerable augmentation in just one session. 

–    Easily sustainable results

The results of fat transfer can be estimated but not guaranteed as they are highly dependent on what happens during the procedure and the amount of fat available in the donor areas. For butt implant surgery, the results are easily sustainable and not influenced if the patient will undergo weight fluctuations in the future. The results of butt implant surgery are not so much affected by weight fluctuations compared to the results of fat transfer. 

–    Permanent results

The results achieved with butt implant surgery are permanent. The implants can be kept inside the butt for a lifetime if no other complications occur. Also, the buttocks won’t be affected by weight gain or weight loss after the procedure. However, it is important to keep in mind that the buttocks won’t always look like in the months after butt implant surgery was performed. There are factors that will affect the buttocks over time that can’t be prevented, such as the natural aging process.

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