The skin on the inner side of the thighs is very thin and can easily sag with age or through frequent weight fluctuations. More often than not, the excess skin is associated with excess fat tissue and can lead to a discomfort in the thigh area when walking or running. This can also cause you discomfort when wearing jeans. So if you are confronted with this issue, a thigh lift surgery may be the solution for you.
The thigh lift intervention aims to reduce the excess fat in the inner thighs with the help of a liposuction, and at the same time, it eliminates the surplus of skin in the area.
The thigh lift procedure is a plastic surgery that reduces the dimensions of the thighs and changes it to a more aesthetically pleasing shape. In general, the results of this type of surgery are highly satisfactory for the patient. This is because the thigh lift procedure generates positive and long-term results, which are often requested by women.
Before the Thigh Lift
Just like all surgeries, you will have a consultation with a surgeon before you decide to go through with it. The plastic surgeon will thoroughly evaluate the health condition of the patient during the initial consultation.
You will be requested to discuss personal details regarding your health, such as the following:
- Potential afflictions you might be suffering from or have suffered from in the past
- Current medication you are on
- Allergies you may have
- Natural supplements that you might be currently taking
Your plastic surgeon will advise you on certain precautions before the surgery, such as to stop the intake of anti-inflammatory medication for at least two weeks before the surgery as they make the blood thin and can cause bleeding after the surgery. For women who take birth control pills, they will be asked to refrain from taking it for at least 1-2 months before the surgery since they might cause blood clot formation that can lead to complications during the recovery period.
Sun exposure is another thing to be avoided right before the surgery as it might have a negative impact on the healing of the skin on the thighs. Considering the area is sensitive enough as it is, all necessary precautions should be taken to ensure a fast and uneventful recovery.
A balanced and healthy diet before and after the surgery is another important step that will ensure a quick recovery and allow the patient to resume their daily activities as soon as possible.
What type of anesthesia to expect…
When you want to undergo a thigh lift, you need to know that you can choose between two types of anesthetic: general anesthetic or rachianesthesia. You will discuss the options and make the decision together with the anesthetist.
The Thigh Lift Procedure
Almost in all cases, the thigh lift is associated with a complimentary intervention of a liposuction. The plastic surgeon deems it necessary for lifting the thighs. There are three types of surgical interventions performed on the thighs area:
- The Pure Horizontal Technique: it is used when the fat and skin excess is predominantly on the vertical line. This procedure involves lifting the skin in the same way you would put on your trousers. Afterwards, the surgeon will remove the excess skin. The incision will be performed at the base of the thigh on the internal side and it will start from the inguinal region and end in the posterior buttock fold.
- The Pure Vertical Technique: this method is used when circular fat excess is predominant. The doctor will excise a fold on the internal side of the thigh, while the scar is positioned on the length of the internal side of the thigh. If the skin surplus is significant in size, the scar may reach until the knee.
- The Mixt technique: it is a combination of the aforementioned techniques. It is recommended for patients who have skin excess both on the vertical and circular line. The resulting scar will look like an inverted L or T.
The duration of the thighs lifting surgery is about two hours, but it can take longer depending on the patient. At the end of the procedure, the patient will be dressed in a compression pant or a girdle.
After the Thigh Lift surgery
The patient might be required to stay in the medical facility where the surgery was performed for 1-3 days, depending on how extensive the intervention was. After the procedure, the patient may have swelling and bruising in their thigh area. It is important to mention that these are normal side effects of the surgery and there is nothing to worry about when they occur. They will disappear on their own in about 10-20 days during the recovery period.
Most patients note that the pain and discomfort in the surgical area are bearable and they can be kept under control with pain medication, which will be prescribed by the doctor.
Because the scar is placed at the level of a body fold where there is moisture, the healing process might take longer than other surgeries done in different areas of the body. The patient will be required to avoid all movements that can put a lot of tension on the thighs, such as sitting for example. Any type of extraneous activities should be avoided for about 1-3 weeks, which means the patient cannot resume work immediately. The length will depend on the type of physical activity required at work, so it can be shorter if it isn’t physically demanding. Physical exercises can be resumed 6 weeks after the procedure. Also, the patient has to wear the compression trousers for at least 3 weeks during the recovery period.
It is important to mention here that the final results of the thigh lift can be evaluated after one month because by this time, the recovery period will be complete and the scars completely healed.
Potential Complications
It is important to take precautions and be aware of the risks. Like all surgeries, there is still an anesthetic risk, which needs to be discussed with the anesthetist. Nowadays, there are rare cases of surgery complications due to the anesthesia, but it may still occur.
In rare cases, thromboembolic complications can occur after the thigh lifting surgery. If this happens, the patient should seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
There is also the risk of hematoma and seroma, While in most cases they will disappear on their own in time, but if this does not happen or if they are associated with unpleasant symptoms, the patient should ask the plastic surgeon for treatment options. However, generally speaking, wearing the girdle minimizes the risk of liquid accumulation at the incision site.
Blood clot formation and delayed wound healing are other complications that are usually associated with patients who smoke and continue to do so after the surgery. This is because smoking causes lack of oxygenation in the blood, which can delay the recovery period and can also cause unwanted side effects, such as bad scarring.
It is important to mention that the thigh lift is not a weight loss procedure; the only methods that are recognized to contribute to weight loss are the bariatric surgerical ones. Plastic surgery only deals with one aspect of your body, by improving it accordingly to your anatomy and desires.
The thigh lifting procedure is sometimes mandatory for patients who have lost a lot of weight and want to reshape their body and achieve the best proportions for their anatomy. Losing weight might just not be enough for you to look your best possible appearance when encountering saggy skin on the thighs. This is why getting a thigh lift can ensure you gain your youthful appearance back after the surgery. Through this, you will have the immense benefit of better-looking thighs and an improved overall body image.
The thigh lifting procedure can be the answer to your prayers if you are suffering discomfort due to excess skin and fat at the level of the inner thighs. The main goal of the surgery is to reshape the thighs, making sure the thighs become proportionate to the rest of the body. In other words, your thighs will be more sexy and appealing.
It is imperative to understand that, while in most cases, the results of the surgery are satisfactory for the patients, the final results can only be evaluated a year after the procedure was performed. Only then will the healing process be complete, which is important for the surgeon to inspect the scars properly.
Making sure you have a satisfactory result is as much the surgeon’s responsibility as it is the patient’s. Following the doctor’s orders to the letter is crucial if you want to protect your investment and ensure you have amazing results after the surgery. Quitting smoking, avoiding sun exposure and other external factors that can delay the recovery process or can have a negative impact on it are essential for ensuring an optimal result for after the procedure. Thus, even after the surgery, you still have things to do to avoid risks.