Types of implants to be used to augment the buttocks

Types of implants to be used to augment the buttocks

08th Dec 2021

For men and women with small, flat and saggy buttocks, there is a solution: the buttock augmentation procedure. The desire to get bigger buttocks has manifested as an increase in demand for butt augmentation procedures over the last few years. Patients resorting to plastic surgery to get the butt of their dreams understand that the procedure is the only effective method to achieve a considerable increase in the size of the buttocks in a matter of a few hours. 

Nowadays experienced, board-certified plastic surgeons will offer two types of butt augmentation procedures. One procedure uses implants to add more volume to the butt, while the other entails the use of the patient’s own fat tissue to recontour the buttocks and make it bigger. Both procedures have pros and cons and are indicated in certain conditions. However, the results achieved with each procedure are different.

The augmentation achieved when using implants is more considerable as we can control exactly how much volume the butt will gain afterwards. When using fat, it is not so easy to estimate a certain volume, and it can certainly change in the following months after the surgery. Butt implants will remain the same even if the patient loses or gains weight. Hence the results of the butt augmentation with implants are more predictable and easier to sustain. 

When it comes to using butt implants, you should know that there are different types of implants to be used, just like in the case of breast implants. There are a few similarities but also many differences between breast and butt implants. 

Butt implants are made out of a thick silicone gel, just like breast implants. However, the two types of implants are very different in terms of consistency. Butt implants are made to look and feel like the tissues of the buttocks while the breast implants need to emulate the soft tissues of the mammary gland. Butt implants are not filled with other substances like saline solution breast implants. 

What is also similar for breast and butt implants is that they come in many different volumes and two shapes. For butt implants, the shapes are round and oval. The type of implant to be used during the procedure, as well as the volume of the implants, will be discussed and agreed with the plastic surgeon during the pre-operative consultation. 

Butt implants are inserted into the gluteal muscles, in the upper part of the buttocks. This means that after the surgery, the buttocks will have a more impressive projection, but there will be little changes on the sides and lower part of the buttocks.

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