What if i don’t share my complete medical history during consultation?

What if i don’t share my complete medical history during consultation?

03rd Mar 2018

The number of breast augmentations performed with the help of implants has been on the rise for a few years now in countries all over the world, including the United States. The procedure is often the only suitable method to get bigger, rounder breasts that are in harmony with the rest of the patient’s anatomy. However, not all women interested in undergoing the procedure turn out to be eligible for the intervention. There are certain health or emotional conditions that can prevent a woman from becoming the proud owner of breast implants.

Information about contraindications for breast implants can be found online, and the plastic surgeon will also ask them during the pre-operative consultation. So what happens if you don’t share your complete medical history with the plastic surgeon during the pre-operative consultation? Is this a way to avoid being rejected for breast augmentation?

The reality is that in a majority of cases, even if you don’t want to disclosure all the details about your health during the meeting with the plastic surgeon, chances are he will find out after you undergo the recommended tests. However, it is a great risk you take when not being honest with the plastic surgeon about your medical history, current medication, and potential allergies.

Generally speaking, breast augmentation surgery has few risks and complications that can be severe. Most of the side effects are normal, natural, and disappear after a period of time. However, if the patient is confronted with certain absolute contraindications, the procedure shouldn’t be performed at all or the consequences can be serious.

If you suffer from a chronic or severe blood, heart, lung or liver condition, it is mandatory to tell your plastic surgeon about this. Also, if you have diabetes and you are not monitoring or getting treatment for the condition, let the plastic surgeon know. Women who are suffering from emotional conditions should also discuss this with the plastic surgeon and ask for recommendations. If you are on medication for a condition, let the surgeon know exactly what type of medication, how often you take it, etc.

If you don’t discuss your complete medical history with the plastic surgeon honestly and openly, you might be confronted with severe complications during or after breast augmentation surgery that can even put your life in danger. Among these complications are excessive bleeding, the formation of blood clots, delayed wound healing, etc.

Keep in mind that plastic surgery shouldn’t be seen as a frivolous specialty that doesn’t have to obey the general rules of medicine. Plastic surgery should be seen more responsibly by all those interested in undergoing them. The role of the plastic surgeon is to make sure the procedure is safe for you and there is a minimal risk of developing severe complications.

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