Will I Get Rid of Abdominal Fat After A Tummy Tuck?

24th Oct 2017

We should be aware that fat accumulating in the abdominal area is a common occurrence for people with unhealthy lifestyle and also occur as part of aging process. Also, after pregnancy or weight fluctuations women can be left with aesthetic fat deposits in the abdominal area. Can a tummy tuck correct it? Tummy tuck technique is used to strengthen loose abdominal muscle, correct umbilical hernia, and in achieving a flat tummy. The traditional tummy tuck can get rid the abdominal apron but the thickness of the abdominal wall won’t be affected. But today, Dr. Hourglass developed a procedure called Hourglass Tummy Tuck that can reduce the fat layer and create a beautiful curve as well. Want to know more about it? Make sure to watch the whole video:

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